Kshitij Nikhal

knikhal2@huskers.unl.edu nikhalster@live.com
LinkedIn | Google Scholar

I am the Founding Machine Learning Scientist at AlphaGrid, accelerating the deployment of clean energy infrastructure for a decarbonized future. I received my PhD in AI/ML (Electrical Engineering) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, advised by Dr. Benjamin S. Riggan. My research addresses the following questions:

  • How can we instruct a computer to pay attention to fine-details in the image with limited/no supervision?
  • How do we enable it to learn directly from the data and generalize seamlessly across diverse domains?
  • How do we prioritize computing resources on challenging examples?

    My research focused on the application of biometrics to develop tools for identification and law enforcement, ultimately promoting public convenience and safety, supported by: IARPA’s BRIAR and Army Research Lab/UMD’s ArtIAMAS , that aim to advance biometric intelligence in complex environments.

    In industry, I spent 3 years at TomTom Maps , where I was part of the Concept Development Team to build the next generation of map-making. During my PhD, I was also part of the AI team at (Google) X, the Moonshot Factory , working on few-shot learning and photogrammetry.


Feb 19, 2024 Joining AlphaGrid as a ML Scientist.
Aug 14, 2023 One paper accepted at WACV 2024.
Jul 10, 2023 Two papers accepted at IJCB 2023.
Apr 1, 2023 One paper accepted at CVPR 2023 in Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum workshop.
Dec 4, 2022 One patent filed at Google X.

selected publications

  1. cvprw2023.gif
    Mitigating Catastrophic Interference Using Unsupervised Multi-Part Attention for RGB-IR Face Recognition
    Kshitij Nikhal, Nkiruka Uzuegbunam, Bridget Kennedy, and 1 more author
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2023
  2. HashReID.png
    HashReID: Dynamic Network with Binary Codes for Efficient Person ReID
    Kshitij Nikhal, Yujunrong Ma, Shuvra Bhattacharyya, and 1 more author
    Accepted at WACV, 2024
  3. hbrc.png
    HBRC-500: A Long Range Recognition Benchmark Dataset using Face and Whole-body Imagery
    Cedric Nimpa Fondje, Kshitij Nikhal, and Benjamin S. Riggan
    Accepted at IJCB, 2023
  4. privacy.png
    Enhanced Privacy-enabled Face Recognition using k-Identity Optimization
    Ryan Karl, Kshitij Nikhal, and Benjamin S. Riggan
    Under Review., 2023
  5. distortion.png
    Weakly Supervised Face and Whole Body Recognition in Turbulent Environments
    Kshitij Nikhal, and Benjamin S. Riggan
    Accepted at IJCB, 2023
  6. coming_soon.gif
    Cross-Spectral Attention for Unsupervised RGB-IR Face Verification and Person Re-identification
    Kshitij Nikhal, Cedric Nimpa Fondje, and Benjamin S. Riggan
    Under Journal Review, 2023
  7. mcga.gif
    Multi-Context Grouped Attention for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
    Kshitij Nikhal, and Benjamin S. Riggan
    IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, 2022
  8. gam.gif
    Unsupervised Attention Based Instance Discriminative Learning for Person Re-Identification
    Kshitij Nikhal, and Benjamin S Riggan
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2021